About Ally Source
Ally Source is a metasearch engine, aggregating the results of other search engines while not storing information about its users.
The project is driven by an open community,
Make SearXNG better.
- You can improve SearXNG translations at [Weblate], or…
- Track development, send contributions, and report issues at [SearXNG sources].
- To get further information, visit SearXNG’s project documentation at [SearXNG docs].
Why use it?
Ally Source may not offer you as personalized results as Google, but it doesn’t generate a profile about you.
Ally Source doesn’t care about what you search for, never shares anything with a third-party, and it can’t be used to compromise you. If you do care about privacy, want to be a conscious user, or otherwise believe in digital freedom, make Ally Source your default search engine or run it on your own server!
How do I set it as the default search engine?
[OpenSearch]. For more information on changing your default search engine, see your browser’s documentation:
- [Firefox]
- [Microsoft Edge] - Behind the link, you will also find some useful instructions for Chrome and Safari.
- [Chromium]-based browsers only add websites that the user navigates to without a path.
When adding a search engine, there must be no duplicates with the same name. If you encounter a problem where you cannot add the search engine, you can either:
- remove the duplicate (default name: ALLy SoURcE)